
Tuesday 23 September 2014

Reflection journal 2

                This morning we have presented our study about how competent we are at digital competence, concretely in the field of content creation. It is great to present things like that in front of your classmates because it helps you to take control of your nerves and expose adequately.

                Then, we have been explained about Thesaurus.com, a web page of English synonyms, WordReference.com, which is an online dictionary, and how to use Microsoft Word to correct writings, make some comments inside them and how to change some words by using the option “synonyms” in order not to be so tedious by repeating the same words in every paragraph. I am sure I’ll take this “tips” into account for my next works and also I’ll show this web pages to my future students because I believe they’re useful not only for writing compositions, but also for learning new vocabulary. 

                In this practical lesson we have had an exposition of one group that didn’t expose their topic the last day. It has been about the Reading 1 text and then, we have answered some questions about it. This first reading was really interesting because it is about how and how much time Thai people use new technologies for practising English in class and outside class.

                After that, we have visited some webpages in order to analyse them and justify why we would use them in class at the same time we learn how to insert comments on Microsoft word texts, which is totally useful for us (teachers) to correct students' future writings. 

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