
Monday, 29 December 2014

Initial and final PLE

This is my first PLE with the apps and web pages that I used at the beginning of the course: 

And this is the PLE that represents my current internet activity:

Reflection about using rubrics in education

One day we were talking about using rubrics in education. Personally, I think a rubric is a very useful tool for children and teachers for grading their work: they are interesting for teachers because rubrics help them evaluate their own work and the students' learning process, but they are essential for children (even more if rubrics are presented AT THE BEGINNING OF THE LESSON) because pupils can see what they need to do to get the highest mark. 
The concept of rubric is new to me, I have never used a rubric as a student neither in Primary Education nor in Secondary Education, but I have been presented a rubric twice or three times here in the university and in the way rubrics have to be presented, before I started working, so that I could see how I were going to be evaluated. 
I believe that rubrics fit very well with projects or activities based on constructivism but not so well with traditional activities, that's why the usage of rubrics in education is limited to the methodology that is present in the school we are working. 
All in all, I think this is a good tool for self-assessment, group assessment (teachers and students) and for grading (for teachers), and I would be delighted if I have the opportunity to use them in my future career. 

Monday, 22 December 2014


 Families and jobs

This link drives you to my lesson 1 podcast about families and jobs. It is an exercise of listening and repeat for children from 7 to 8 years old, but it could also be presented during all the English formation.

Students will have to create a short story about the characters presented in the previous podcast doing different jobs. Then they will have to record themselves and upload their podcasts in podomatic.

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Reflection journal 6


This week we have been assigned to complete a story in wikispaces. There have been given two sentences: the introduction and the conclusion and, our group, have had to complete it activating our imagination and demonstrating our writing capacities. I like the activity a lot because it is not a simple writing activity in which you have to introduce the studied vocabulary, it is a collaborative story (all members of the group have to participate in the composition).

Personally, I think that wikis are an useful collaborative tool for schools because evaluating with wikis is very simple. Teachers may see how many people have participated in the composition and in what way (if their writing abilities are high or low).

I have just used wikis as a student twice: the first time in Bachillerato and the second one at the university. In Bachillerato, we used the classroom wiki for the subject of “Lengua Castellana y Literatura”, concretely for analyzing text typologies and for writing critical comments (that two activities were essential for passing the subject and also for “Selectividad”). At the university, we have been assigned various activities to be done with wikis in the subject of New Technologies.


We have designed some tasks that have to be done with the classroom wiki:

1. Students have to write a story about the Middle Ages in small groups, and then upload it to the wiki.

2.       In pairs, each student writes a riddle and their partners must guess the answer. Later, each pair has to upload the riddles to the wiki, without the answers, so that the rest of their classmates can try to solve them at home if they want to.

3.    The teacher uploads a comic cartoon with empty bubbles, which students have to complete individually by embedding speech. In the end, they upload their productions to the wiki.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Reflection journal 7


Today we have been talking about the usage of dropbox with collaborative purposes. We have learnt how to upload a folder in the classroom shared one. We have had problems for accessing the Dropbox webpage at the university because of the web collapse.  We have found that it is impossible to introduced a shared document inside a shared folder unless you have permissions to do that. 

Next, we have been introduced to a webpage created for uploading podcasts, which is called Podomatic. We have visited the different spaces available and, we have found that this is a very important tool for people that is willing to teach something or to be connected with someone showing their tastes or creations. It is also really important for "digital teachers", who can produce materials, upload them in the net and share them with their students that then will be able to practice English wherever they are and acquire digital competences at the same time. 


We have created our first podcast using Audacity and uploading it into Podomatic, a place where people can drag their productions and publish them with many purposes: education, entertainment, business... Ours are aimed at teaching English as a foreign language in Primary Education or at using English as a vehicle in CLIL classrooms. 

Once we have done the exercise of podcasting, we have been introduced to the usage of excel spreadsheets for grading. I like using Excel for that kind of things because as soon as you understand how to operate with formulas, calculating the grades in Excel is really simple. It saves a lot of time and the only tool you may use to work with Excel spreadsheets is a computer with the programme installed. Although, there are similar tools on the web such as: google spreadsheets, OpenOffice Calc... 

All the students have completed the spreadsheet with the information detailed in the New Technologies Course Notes and this is the result: 

Saturday, 6 December 2014


My group were told to create four tasks filled with activities that include at least four different ICTs, one rubric and one excel grid. 

These are the resulting tasks:


ACT.1 : Students will create a story. With this purpose, they will think about the main characteristics of their story: main characters, setting, time, and the general idea for each one of the parts that a story should have. With this purpose, they will fulfill a table using Microsoft Word.

Characters (who are the most important people that appear in the story?)

Setting (where does your story take place?)

Time (when does your story happen?)

Beginning (presentation of the characters, setting and time, as well as of a problem)

Middle part (how the problem evolves)

Ending (how the problem is solved)

ACT.2: The students will go to StoryJumper in order to write their final story.

 Once they’ve finished, they will copy the code given for sharing the story in a site and they will post them in the blog of the class, so that the teacher can embed them there later.

ACT.3: 1)      The pupils will have to rethink their stories as a comic. They will enter Pixton and try the free trial to create it.

ACT. 4: The children will create a poem about whatever they want. The poem will have at least four paragraphs of four verses each, with a consonant rhyme. In order to facilitate them the task, they will use the website “Rhymebrain” (http://rhymebrain.com/en) to find words that rhyme with others. They will write the poem in a Word document. Later, each student will read out loud his/her poem and they will vote for the best, which will be uploaded to the blog.

Once upon a time, there was a farmer.
He had lots of pigs but he wasn’t rich.
But the King planned a feast for that summer,
and he robbed his pigs to have enough meat.

Then the poor farmer, who was called Justin
became angry and went to the castle.
He found out of there two friends, who told him
“They won’t let you in, you’re a vassal”

But he entered and talked to the king.
as angry as he was, nobody could
stop him, and thus the king ordered to bring
Justin’s fat pigs, that with him since then stood.

ACT.1: 1.      In groups of four people, measure the classroom and the objects, and complete the table below in an excel sheet.

ACT. 2: Create a graph with http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/graphing/classic/. Compare the areas of the various objects when using different measuring tools.

ACT. 3: 2.      Create a plan for the classroom using Floorplanner. Include all the objects in their correct places in it. http://es.floorplanner.com/demo#assets

ACT. 4: Create with Geogebra a new carpet for the floor made with:
1.    2 metres wide squares
2.    2 metres wide regular triangles
            ¿How many of them do we need to cover all the carpet?
Solve the problem and compare your result with the picture you made. 


ACT. 1: Students have to go to this webpage game: http://online.seterra.net/en/ex/86
They have to click on the correct autonomous communities. 

They will find some theory about the autonomous communities and their provinces in Spain and then, they will have to play the four games in the left column.

ACT.3: Students will have to open Google Earth and look for the geographic coordinates of the following capitals:

  • Pamplona
  • Logroño
  • San Sebastián
  • Bilbao
  • Zaragoza
  • Vitoria
  • Cartagena
  • Mérida
  • Santiago
ACT. 4: Students will choose the capital they like the most and they will select some pictures about it in Google Images. Next, they will have to create a collage in this webpage: http://www.kizoa.es/. They have to create an account previously.

Then, they will upload their collages to the classroom blog.


ACT. 1: Students have to click on the HotPotatoes reading activity, where they have to read the fable and answer the questions.

ACT. 2: Fill-in-the-gap's activity about the fable read before.

ACT.3: Create a mindmap through Bubbl about lions. Students have to search for information in the Internet about them, select the relevant information and reproduce it into the map.

ACT.4: Students upload the informaiton about lions into their blogs using Blogger

Activities will be evaluated with a rubric

Califications will be processed using Microsoft Excel

Reflection journal 5


Today we have retaken the New Technologies lessons since we finished our internship stays. We have been remembering the objectives of the subject, the activities we needed to have done at the end of the practicum and the activities we have to finish at the end of the course.

We also have been introduced to the wikis, a collaborative technology available in the Internet. I have designed one in WikispacesYouShallNotPassAgain. I have posted a page (with no relevant information, just for practicing uploading pages into the wiki) and everybody has sent an invitation to the teacher's wiki in order to be editors of his.


This morning one group has presented the topic of "Usage of Whiteboards or Smartboards in Primary Education", which has been really interesting. I've been using a smartboard during my internship period and I can assure that they are very innovative, easy to use (when you get used to working with them, of course) and they are incredibly motivating for kids because they receive a double-perspective input: written content and visual content (which I think it means double reinforcement that increases reception). 
Next we have presented our tasks made using whiteboard. Our was about the topic of plants: photosynthesis and nourrishment. 
The first activity of the task was a webquiz that activates prior knowledge. 

The second activity was a visit to the webpage:
Where students have to underline (using the whiteboard stylus) the important or key words and, then, they have to write them down in a piece of paper.

In the third and last activity, students have to fill a mindmap in with the words that they have already written down. This mindmap has been done in Popplet.